Take Your Independent Practice to the Next Level

As one of the top 1% of all LPL Financial firms*, Independent Advisor Group has a lot to be proud of. Namely, our independent Advisors — people who bring excellence and a spirit of active collaboration to our OSJ and create something that’s infinitely greater than the sum of its parts.

Going independent means a whole host of big decisions. Many of IAG's Advisors once worked for wirehouses, banks, and other traditional financial institutions - and became frustrated with the constraints inherent in their practices. Many firms simply cannot take on the hassle and cost of in-house supervision as compliance becomes more complex and many Advisors want to maintain production levels. Often, an Advisor will turn to an outside OSJ to help set up shop, manage compliance, and keep operations in order.

Maybe you've always dreamed of being independent - or maybe you never thought about it until recently. IAG's solution is to help you with all of the things you probably didn't dream of.  We strive to enhance your operational efficiency, compliance, and business management. With Independent Advisor Group, you'll find the resources you need to confidently join the legions of newly independent Advisors, or take your current independent practice to the next level.

Responding to the needs of the marketplace and the increasing complexity of the financial services industry, IAG's objective is to provide an Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction platform for innovation, growth, and support. Centering on the strength of partnership, as well as the draw of independence, IAG's Advisors bring excellence and a spirit of active collaboration to the OSJ to create a group that is infinitely greater than the sum of its individual parts. The characteristics of an IAG Advisor include:

  • Top performers who want to join forces with other top performers. As a top LPL office, IAG has the economies of scale to help Advisors grow their independent practices better and faster.
  • Advisors who value family-style interaction and engagement. IAG's close-knit group of Advisors meets at least four times every year, including a full-day annual offsite meeting, to keep Advisors up-to-date on important developments, as well as what's on the horizon.
  • Advisors who can benefit from access to a wide range of expertise. IAG's Advisors, as well as their wholesalers, have expertise in accounting, financial markets, insurance and group health, tax planning, fiduciary standards, 401(k), bank programs, and more.
  • Advisors who want assistance with succession planning and are looking to maximize their practice value while doing the best for their Clients. IAG provides in-house expertise to work with their Advisors on succession planning, practice management, and M&A advisory. They get to know your business and offer hands-on assistance as needed.
  • Advisors looking to grow through acquisition or assignment to IAG-owned books of business. Whether assisting with inorganic growth, building a practice, or transitioning to the next generation, IAG supports Advisors throughout the lifecycle of their business.​


Philosophy and Culture

Cultural synergy is a make-or-break consideration when deciding which group to affiliate with. IAG believes our culture sets us apart - we're a vibrant family of Advisors in a silo-free, collaborative network where independence and a supportive environment work together to enable greater levels of success. We hold quarterly meetings for all our Advisors, which inclide information from wholesalers, speakers, and plenty of networking time.  This allows our Advisors to connect and stay up-to-speed on key issues and trends in the industry. We also host regular informal events among the group to enhance our collective knowledge, strengthen ties, and stimulate professional growth. IAG understands that the wide range of expertise within our group means little to our Advisors unless they all know each other and our knowledge and experience is shared across many environments.

*Based on total revenue.